How to - host your own virtual machine on Microsoft Azure

Get a free VM!!1!

How to - host your own virtual machine on Microsoft Azure This guide will help you, a NITC student host your own B1s Linux virtual machine on Microsoft Azure, for free. Create a GitHub account To get started, you will need to signup for the Github Student Developer Pack. If you don’t have one already, create a free Github account. Although you can use any email ID to sign-up, use your NITC email ID (ending with @nitc. [Read More]

Friday Night FOSS

Overnight Hacker Session

We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our inaugural edition of Friday Night FOSS, a monthly mini-hackathon dedicated to collaboratively building free and open-source software. On Friday, August 11th, 2023, we witnessed a remarkable showcase of creativity, innovation, and collaborative spirit, where participants delved into refining their software ideas, exploring potential applications, and strategically planning to create a minimum viable product (MVP). Our FOSSCell members played a pivotal role as mentors, providing guidance and addressing queries, fostering a dynamic environment of learning and growth. [Read More]